Friday 5 July 2013

Hassan Sheikh: Not the President I Expected

Hassan Sheikh: Not the President I Expected
July 4, 2013

People in general and his staunch supporters in particular refer to our current president, Hassan Mohamoud as the elected president. This statement is misleading as President Hassan was not elected but selected. The president was selected by a handful of un-elected parliamentarians who came to the limelight when limited elders thumbed their signatures on paper. Furthermore, Hassan became the president not because of his intellect, experience, and proven leadership but because the selection process occurred in his own backyard.

It is my opinion that if the process were to happen in any other city, say for example Hargeisa, we could have professor Samatar or Silanyo as the president. And if it were held, say, in Garowe, Abdiweli would have been the man on the top. Farmajo would’ve fared better in any other city. And if elections were to be held in Kismayu now, Ahmed Madoobe would be hoisting the trophy.

Some would argue that all clans, at least the major ones have equal representation in the Somali parliament, and therefore, candidates have equal access to these representatives. True, but, imagine, if the elections were in Hargeisa, Silanyo would have his kin business owners showering these parliamentarians with gifts, free lunches, and other accommodations. If you think the fact that hotel owners, SUV owners, security guards in Mogadishu and the Khat bundlers did not tip the balance in favor of the candidates from the surroundings, think again.

There are few experiences that I will always remember that can’t be erased from my memory. The birth of my first new born, the passing of my father, and the time a crocodile almost killed my swimming partner. Other experiences that are vividly stamped in my consciousness include the release of Nelson Mandela from the Robben Island, the tumbling and smoking twin towers in that fateful 2001 morning, and the selection of our current president Hassan sheikh Mohamoud. I Remember the latter three events because of their significance to the world, to the greatness of humanity in the case of Mandela, and to the future of the Somali people.

In 2001, right at the aftermath of the September tragedy, the world stood with the USA in solidarity and offered support. Because of its superiority in military hardware and the weakness of the enemy, America got cocky and arrogant. A few days later, then President G.W. Bush grabbed the now infamous aphorism and said to the rest of the world “you are either with us or against us”. The moment Bush finished his phrase, Americans knew that many will not be with them and the rest was history.  The world coalition became the “willing coalition” of Poland and Britain.

In contrast, Mandela stepped out of the gates of his prison cell and met thousands upon thousands of supporters, mostly black South Africans, wielding machetes ready for battle. Revenge was in the air. Mandela, did not like what he was seeing, and there, he told his backers that they need to change their behavior or he will not be their man. He knew that he would not allow these angry young men, regardless of their past grief, to destroy his country. Mandela knew he needed the trust of the non-black South Africans to keep the country together.  He knew that South Africa could only go forward with the whole sum of its people, Blacks, whites, Asians, and Coloreds. By standing up to his supporters, Nelson earned the trust of his tormentors and detractors. White South Afrikaners stayed put and never left their country. That was the mark of statesmanship. Nelson Mandela had a vision to save South Africa.

To paraphrase the former Texas senator, Ben Nelson, during his vise-presidential debate with Dan Quayle, he aptly retorted “Mr. President, you ain’t no Nelson Mandela”.

When President Mohamoud was selected among his peers, with his supposedly squeaky clean past, Somalis were elated. Somalis of all clans and regions were excited. Some even equated the selection of Hassan to be Manna from heaven. Hassan had a lot going on for him when he came to Villa Somalia: nationalists longing for unity, the International Community ready to help, and Al-shabab forces in their last throngs.

The mark of a competent president is demonstrated by the ability to recruit the right men and women in his cabinet, assign them the right posts, and entrust the lieutenants to do the right jobs. As we all know now, Hassan has none of that. The President is a foreign diplomat. He receives visiting deputy prime ministers of nations, large and small. He meets with the undersecretary of environment for the UN. He negotiates with IGAD secretariat about what to do with Ahmed Madoobe. In the process, the President reduced his prime minister akin to what we call here in the USA an affirmative action nomination or a token presentation to show diversity.

In my years as an observer to Somali clan politics, I have never seen the two most influential segments of the Somali clans so polarized that it threatens the existence of the republic. But apparently, the president does not share my pessimism and fails to recognize the danger. Somalis are not good at finding common ground but are well skilled in creating divisions. And this president does not miss to create mistrust between two clans.  You can safely say that the clan that dominates the central regions and the capital overwhelmingly supports this president. The opposite is true for the dominant clan in Puntland and the Jubba regions. And this president is not even attempting to change this perception.

Hindsight is 20/20, but was the selection of Hassan Manna from heaven or the spell and preview of the new curse coming to Somalia?

It is too early to fully answer this question at this moment but the trajectory is not good. People prefer strong a leader especially in time of enormous challenges rather than a weak one and Somalis are no different but does Somalia need a dictator, my way or the highway type of dictator? As demonstrated by his rigid and inflexible approach to politics, Hassan Sheikh may not be the leader Somalia needs in its current fetal state.

In a speech at the American Society of Association Executives’ (ASAE) leadership forum in Quebec City, author John Spence said “Intentionally or unwittingly, leaders model the culture of their organizations. Sending the wrong message can make that culture one of distrust-and have a real impact on your success”. Unfortunately, President Mohamoud’s culture of survival of the fittest may have already created distrust among the Somali people.

Hassan M. Ugas

Sunday 9 June 2013

Xog Rasmi Ah: Shir Madaxweynaha DF iyo Beeshiisu ka yeesheen shirqooladii fashilmey ee Kismaayo.

Xili shalay dagaal qasaaro geystay Magaalada Kismaayo uu ku dhexmaray ciidamada maamulka Jubaland iyo maleeshiyaad taabacsan nin lagu magacaabo Iftiin Axmed baasto balse la sheegey inuu xiriir dhow la leeyahay Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh ayaa ka dib dagaalkii markii lagu kala adkaadey sida la sheegey waxaa shirar hoose Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh Muqdisho kula yeeshey xubno Xildhibaanno, Siyaasiyiin iyo Odoyaal isugu jira ,dhamaantood-na ah kuwo kasoo jeeda Beesha Madaxwaynaha.

Shirka dhexmarey dhinacyadaas oo hadalo kala duwan intii uu socday ay kasoo jeediyeen ayaa qodobadii ugu muhiimsanaa ee goobta laga sheegey waxaa ka mid ahaa dhaliil qaar ka mid ah xubnihii shirka ka qeyb galayey ay usoo jeediyeen Ra,iisal wasaare Saacid oo ay ku eedeynayeen in beeshiisu dagaalkii Kismaayo uga baxdey sidii hore loogu balansanaa.

Xubnaha odoyaasha ee shirka ka qeyb galayey waxaa ka mid ahaa Xassan Xaad oo sheegta inuu yahay Gudoomiyaha Beesha Hawiye, waxaana sida warar hoose aanu ku helayno Odey Xasan uu ku canaantey Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh inuu horey uga gaabiyey talo odoyaashu u siiyeen oo ahayd ciidamo qarsoodiya oo ka socda isla beelaha xubnahan kasoo jeedaan oo lagu daabulo Kismaayo.

Xaad oo hadalka wata ayaa yiri” “Shaqadii Caydiid Iyo Cabdiqaasim ka qabteen Jubboyinka in la dayaco Maaha, eebaw Xasanaw maanta adiga ayaa Madaxwayna ah taladana gacanta ku haya wiilkaan Saacid Beeshiisa waa inuu abaabulo dagaalkana inay galaan ha ku qasbo, Muga minaan daroodka qaybino waa noo toose”

Dhanka kale Nabadoon Shaayaw Cali Baxaar ayaa Madaxwayanaha isna dhankiisa u sheegay siyaasaad xumo inay ahayd in aad mar hore Gudoomiye gobol ku dhawaaqi wayday xaaladana maanta saan ma ahaateen” ayuu ku doodey nabadoonka lagu magacaabo Shaayaw.

Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna Duqa MuqdishoTarsan oo goob joog ka ahaa shirka odoyaasha, xillibaanada iyo siyaasiinta beesha Madaxweynaha la yeesheen ayaa hadal kooban dhankiisa uu kasoo jeediyey uu ku sheegey in xilligan uu jiro kacdoon xoog badan oo isku duubaya beesha daarood, kaas oo la mid ah sidii midkii beesha hawiye xilligii Cabdulahi Yusuf Madaxweynaha ahaa ee ay la bexeen Hawiye Action Group, islamarkaana loo baahan yahay in xaalada la qaboojiyo inta ayaamo ah , taas oo ula jeeday Tarsan hadii lagu sii wado kacdoonka in uu sababi karo Dowlada uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Xasan Shiikh oo burburta.

Gabo gabadii Shirka ayaa kusoo dhamaadey in talooyinku ay noqdaan kuwii intaas kasii bata , islamarkaana ay jiri doonaan shirar kale oo uu Madaxweynuhu la yeelan doono xubnaha siyaasiinta iyo Dowlada ku jira ee beeshiisa, iyadoona Madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh goobta ka sheegey in odoyaasha shirka kala soo qeyb galey ay noqdaan kuwo halkoodii kasii wada dacaayadaha iyo aflo gaadeynta Maamulka Jubaland inta uu ka helayo Madaxweynuhu fikrad uu mar kale jaanis ku siineysa inay faraha soo galiyaan arrimaha Jubaland.

Hassan-Sheikh: The most Controversial man of Somalia political story

Hassan-Sheikh: The most Controversial  man of Somalia political story

The good people of Jubaland are now fully aware that the regime at Villa Somalia is using every possible tool to undermine the political progress of Jubaland State, and the reason is simple, the gangs of so called Villa Somalia are just the remnants of USC.

They are hiding behind the Ugandan force and outrageously pointing fat fingers to both Jubaland Administration and Kenyan Defense Force (KDF). Another surprise political development was that when Ulusow insulted and singled out the KDF at the AU-submit in Addis Abbab. This is his most recent arrogance and foolishness of diplomatic suicide which signals his political mystery downfall!

The groundless accusations from the regime against Jubaland State and KDF are nothing more than very old clan minded, ignorance and political incorrectness. Surely, history will tell that dictators likes Hassan-Ulusow will go down the very bad chapter of the Somali political story.

We the people of Jubaland are very confidence that the Jubaland State of Somalia will be a good example for the rest of the Somali provincial states, in terms of economic development, political evolution, social, and peace and security.

Mr. Ulusow your governing policy is just a bad, problematic and backward, but the people of Jubaland will NOT go back to the Dark Age. The people of Jubaland simply want peace and development but your government policy of abusing power and opposing Somali federal charter is just in favor for Al-shabaab atrocities and allowing Moryaan-Business of illegal-checkpoint (Spaaro), raping women and endangering young Somali generation which we all firmly rejected.

Mr. Ulusow said, he will not accept less than his reckless agenda and make it clear that he will bring the people of Jubaland under his foot by force and appoint an interim governor from his-clan by him! His agenda is very clear; holding the will of the people of Jubaland hostage by a bunch of USC- remnants in Villa-Somalia.

Unfortunately, he refused to realize that the fruit of his naïve action will only yield the renewal of the dark-memory in Somali history – the clan bloodshed that was started by his own clan on December 31st, 1990.

In response to Ulusow’s clan-war-drama, the people of Jubaland have came together and make it clear that if you do not accept Jubaland State as a Somali Provincial State, we will simply NOT recognizing you as well! If you deny our constitutional rights, the very next elected Somali president will surely honor Jubaland State and there are numbers of hopeful individuals who are already campaigning for it.

Saturday 8 June 2013

War Deg deg Ah General Darwiish Oo Sheegay Inuu Wasiirka Gashandhiga Dirqi Uga Baxsaday

Wararka aanu Ka Helayno Magaalada kismaayo ee Xarunta maamulka Juba land ayaa sheegayo in dagaalkii Oo Dhamaaday Kadib Markii Ciidamada Jubbland  Si Xooga Magalada Kula Wareegeen

Waxaa Si Dirqi Ah Loola Cararay Airportiga Wasiirka Gaashandhiga Kadib Markii Ciidan Uu Wato General Darwiish ay Kusoo baxeen , Dowlada Kenya ayaa U Sheegtay Wasiirka Amaankisa Sugi Karin Intaa kabacdi

Warar Hoose Ayaa Sheegaya barre Hiiraale inuu Madaxda Jubbland Inuu Gurigiisa kujirayo dagaalkana kujirin

Madaxtooyada Gudaheeda ayaa Maanta Lakala Jiiday Wasiirka Warfaafinta Iyo Eng Yariisaw kadib Markii Lagu eedeeyay Wasiirka inuuna Eedayn Maamulka Jubbland

Friday 7 June 2013

War Deg Deg Ah Hassan Sheikh Oo Soo Jeediyay Gobalka Gedo Lagu Daro Bay iyo Bakool (warbixin)

Xasan Sheekh oo Daaha ka rogay Siyaaasadihii u qarsoonaa (Warbixin)

Waxaa kulan culus Xalay Yeeshay madaxweynayaasha Puntland iyo kan Federaalka ah , iyadoo labada masuul ay ka doodeen arrimo khuseeya dastuurka Federaalka ee Soomaaliya oo ay Puntland horay ugu eedaysay  DF in wax laga bedelay iyo  arrimaha Jubbooyinka .

Khilaafkii uu sii laba kacleeyey

Wararka naga soo gaaraya Nairobi ayaa sheegaya in Labada Madaxweyne ay isku mari waayeen labo qodob oo labada ahaa kuwa aad looga dooday , waxaana madaxweyne Faroole uu madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh usoo jeediyey inuu taageero maamulka Jubbooyinka  , iyadoo Xasan Sheekh uu sheegay in arrinkaas uusan waxba ka qabin , laakiin usoo jeediyey in gobolka Gedo laga gooyo, si loogu daro Bay, bakool iyo Gedo ,

Qorshahan ah in la kala gooyo Sadexda gobol ayaa horay loo ogaa , waxaana 5 bilood kakor la’ ogaa in Xasan Sheekh Warqad uu u qoray IGAD uu ku sheegayo ama uu ku faaf-faahiyey Qorshihiisa siyaasadeed iyo habka uu ku doonayo in maamulo federaal ah ugu dhiso Soomaaliya inta aan la gaarin doorashooyinka soo socda.

Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa dhankiisa geeska ku dhuftay Qorshaha uu soo jeediyey Xasan Sheekh.

Dhanka kale,  Qorshaha Federaalka oo laga dooday ayuu ku adkaystay Xasan Sheekh inaan waxba laga bedelin Dastuurka Federaalka , waxaana Puntlandpost warar soo gaaraya ay sheegayaan in DF ee Soomaaliya , Dastuurkii horay loo wada saxiixay  ay sidiisa ku soo celiyeen , maadaama ay markii horeba ay hayeen dastuurkii Origanalka ahaa ee la wada saxiixay, waxaana la sheegayaa in arrinkaas  ay sameeyeen kaddib markii ay sheekadu ku xumaatay , beesha caalamkana laga geeyey dacwad iyo Meelaha ay wax ka bedeleen dastuurka.

Af-hayeenka DF ee Soomaaliya ayaa dhamaadkii asbuucan warsaxaafadeed ku sheegay in DF ee Soomaaliya aysan waxba ka bedekin dastuurkii Federaalka ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo warsaxaafadeedkaas ay ku sheegay  in Dowlada Puntland waxyaalaha ay ku eedeeyeen DF ee Soomaaliya aysan  waxba  ka jirin.

Sikastaba, Puntland iyo Jubbaland ayaa la sheegayaa in ay ka wada xadleen xaalada dalka Soomaaliya , Sharciga Federaalka ee Soomaaliya,  lamana garanayo illaa hada mowqifka ay ka qaadan doonaan Dowlada dhexe ee waqtigan uu hogaanka u hayo Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud.